Monday, November 25, 2013

Mission Accomplished - an Empty Truck!

We had a quiet morning and good part of the afternoon as we waited for the final paperwork to be signed and the keys put into their hands.  By 3:00 Carol was getting restless and the wait was getting to him.  He was very anxious to get the final unload completed and the big truck returned.  At 4:15 we took the truck to their apartment to unload.  The parking is very congested and as we were driving the truck into the parking area we wondered where and how we would be able to park close enough to their apartment to unload.  God provided.  There were empty spaces right in front of their door and the construction crew that was also parked there, moved some of their trucks to give us space.

Linda's friend, Sandy, and her husband and two sons came to help.  We started at 4:30 and were finished at 6:15.  It was a beehive of activity as we finally unloaded the truck.  As the truck emptied out, their apartment filled up.  They have a big job ahead of them to unpack all those boxes.  Linda has to work tomorrow but then she is off for Thanksgiving holiday so maybe they can make a dent in the unpacking during that holiday time.

Carol and I really hated to leave then with such a mess for an apartment but they are the ones who need to put things in their place so we hugged and kissed them goodbye.  They are on a new adventure and feel this is where God wants them to be.  We left feeling sad because we know we won't see them for awhile but knowing that just as He has always done, God will provide and protect.
The Super 8 in Fort Collins - our home for five days.
John, Linda, Katie and Aidan - newest residents of Fort Collins, Colorado.

Dean, Sandy, Lucas, and Logan - the work crew
The Living Room

John and Linda's Bedroom

The Dining Room

The final item coming off of the truck!
An empty truck!

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