Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Farewell, Flat Rock

We left Decatur this morning at 6:45 headed for Effingham to pick up the moving truck at 9:30.  Unfortunately the truck was not there!  Finally, at 10:30 it arrived and after paperwork, gasing up, loading up and tying down the car, we were on our way to Flat Rock an hour later.  We got to Flat Rock around 1:00.  John was worried that we wouldn't be able to fill the truck and then two hours later, he was worried that there would not be enough room for everything.  After stuffing and stacking we managed to get everything but their mattresses in but they had planned to leave them if there was not room.  Our plans had been for them to go to Decatur but it was after 5.30 and they decided to stay in a motel in Robinson.  We wanted to sleep in our own bed and leave from Decatur in the morning so we headed north arriving home at 9:00.  We are tired but happy to be home.  We hope to be on the road by 7:00 a.m. but we may not make it.  John said the weather forecast is calling for freezing rain in Western Nebraska on Thursday, so we need to get an early start.  It is 10:30 and I am tired so I will post a picture or two and shut down.
Packed from front to back and top to bottom.

The Mulvanys wave goodbye to Flat Rock.

Katie and Aidan sit in an empty bedroom.

Katie and look tired after along day of packing.

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