Sunday, November 24, 2013

Rocky Mountain High

This morning we drove with John and Aidan to Rocky Mountain National Park.  Because it had snowed Thursday, the park looked so different from other times that we have been here.  The snow made the trees, rocks, and mountains look so beautiful.  We got pains in our necks from all the looking up.  The main road that goes across the center of the park over the mountains was only open the first seven miles.  That road won't be open again until May.  Aidan liked throwing snowballs.

After we dropped John and Aidan back at their motel, Carol and I hit a few antique malls.  We are back at our room trying to rest up for the big unpack tomorrow.  We probably won't be able to start unloading until 3:00 so it will be a long day.  If all goes well, we will be on the road to Decatur early Tuesday morning.  I am posting a few of the pictures I took in the park.

Grandpa and Grandma with Aidan.

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