Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Flatlanders on I-80

According to Dean and Sandy, Carol and I and others who don't live in the mountains are called "flat landers."  We are easily recognized by the shortness of breath we exhibit when exerting ourselves in the high altitudes of the Rockies.    This morning it was time for the flatlanders to return to our flat land.  At 6:00 we were on the road and spent all but an hour or two on I-80 heading east.  We put our car to the test.  We carried it on a car dolly 950 miles out and now it was time for it to carry us back those same 950 miles.  We drove 550 miles running between 70-75 MPH.  Carol drove like a speed demon, which is very unlike him.  I think he is anxious to get home.

However, he did slow down and stop in Sydney, Nebraska, to spend some time at Cabela's. We were not able to stop last year when we were out this way so we made sure to stop this time.  We are spending the night in Nebraska City at a Best Western.  We ate supper at Valentino Grand Italian Buffet.  Now we are stretched out trying to get some relief to our stuffed stomachs.  Unless something unforeseen happens, we should only have another 8 hours to drive.
Sunrise in Colorado.

I-80 heading east away from the front range of the Rockies.

Cabela's - a favorite stop in Sydney, Nebraska.

An inside display of wild animals of North America.

Flags fly at the entrance to the store complex.

There are several bronze figures of wild animals outside the store.

1 comment:

  1. Danny will be on the road tomorrow also......now I can double worry!!!!! Be safe and see you Thursday.....
