Friday, November 22, 2013

A Semi-Frustrating Day

We found out last night that there was only a SLIGHT chance that we could get into the apartment today!  It still had not been inspected and the apartment manager gave them a slight chance that it would be done today.  Now what do we do?  All of their possessions are packed in a Budget rental truck and no place to call home.  Do we hang around until Monday and then find out that it still had not been inspected?  It will cost the kids $85 a day after the agreed upon time of truck return of Sunday.  These questions and many more caused the frustrating part of this day.  We would not know any answers until 2:00 this afternoon.

Since John and family weren't expected until early afternoon, we decided to check out the area.  We found out that the highway through Big Thompson Canyon to Estes Park reopened yesterday.  It had been closed following the devastating rains and floods in September.  It was a beautiful drive winding through the snow-covered canyons and mountains.  We have never been on this road to the park or when there was snow.  We saw a herd of 10-12 Big Horn Sheep along the way along with gorgeous scenery.  We saw some of the ruined houses and fallen trees as a result of the rains.  I will post some of those pictures.

We got back to Fort Collins in time to eat lunch with John and family.  They are staying at a motel nearby.  We went back to our room and waited for the phone call about the apartment.  Finally, some good news...they can get into the apartment at 2:30 on Monday.  Now we could make plans.  Carol and I will stay and help them unload the truck and then head back to Illinois on Tuesday morning.  We should be back in Decatur by 5:00 Wednesday so we can pick up Sandy before the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.    I want to relax and believe these plans will actually happen; but with the way this whole process has been going, I still have a few fears that come Monday, something else will happen to delay things.  I am just going to keep praying and trusting God to work things out.  We are in our motel room relaxing for the evening.  I think we will do some more sightseeing Saturday and Sunday.

Moms, dads, and baby Big Horn Sheep we saw in the road.

This picture and the ones following shows some of the houses unfortunate enough to be along the river running through Big Thompson Canyon.

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