Thursday, February 20, 2014

Weather Delay

Our tentative plans were for us to leave for Louisiana this morning but instead we stayed here one more day to allow the forecast of rain and strong storms to pass.  The weatherman has been accurate lately but he missed today.  We had one quick moving storm about 4:30 p.m. containing high winds and threat of tornadoes.  Within an hour it had passed.  We used the day to finish packing, do laundry, etc.    Tomorrow the forecast calls for sunny and breezy so we are hooked up and plan to get on the road early.  Our reservations begin Saturday so we will not be making any planned stops (and hopefully no unplanned ones either).

I love winter.  I will take winter over summer any day.  I really don't mind the cold and snow.  I love it even more now that I am retired and can just stay in and enjoy watching it snow.  I don't have to drive it in because Carol is a great snow driver so I leave the driving to him.  What a winter this has been!  We have had three snows of 8+ inches.  Normally one snow that large MIGHT occur.  I don't think the ground has been clear completely of snow since the second snow the first of January.  On top of that the temperatures have been unseasonably cold...actual temperatures of 10 below zero several mornings with a wind chill of 25 below.  Schools have been closed because of the temperatures.  On top of the snow, Monday we had an ice storm.  For the last two weeks, we have not known for sure if we would even go to Louisiana but yesterday we dug our camper out of the snow and ice and decided after the storms and winds subside we will leave tomorrow.  After all of this:  I still love winter!

I am posting a few winter pictures to make this memorable winter more visual.  This might be the last snow we see until next winter.
Carol hard at work with snow removal.

Reminders of the ice storm.

Our next door neighbor, Bert, lost several limbs from a tree.  Sandy checks it out.  Carol snow plowed the path so Sandy can get her daily treats from Bert.

The birds aren't taking baths now.

A garden gnome up to his nose in snow.

Didn't I say that I love winter!

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