Thursday, October 24, 2013

Turkey Run in Pictures: Miscellaneous

Rock Run Cafe and Bakery, Rosedale, Indiana
This was a neat little cafe we read about in info we got at the park.  The food was very good.  Our waitress called  Carol "Dad" and it was obvious she was not from the US.  We asked her where she was from and she said the Philippines.  Dely, Carol's sister-in-law, is from the Philippines and always called his parents Dad and Mom.  She said that in the Philippines your elders were called that as a matter of respect.  We are officially elderly!  She was very sweet, a lot like Dely. 
Above and below:  the same covered bridge from two angles.

Turkey Hill Farm Antiques.
We enjoyed looking at both antiques and the old house. 

Just a one of the several parking lots at Mansfield.
Carol and Sandy enjoy a funny moment in the camper.

The new suspension bridge over Sugar River.  The old one was damaged in a flood in April and was just reopened in October.
Four state police cars.  The officers are directing traffic coming and going to the Festival.

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