Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Two for the price of one

There was not any time to journal yesterday so I will write about both days in this entry.  We got up at 6:30 yesterday morning. The temperature was 50 degrees but with the wind blowing, it felt more like 30.  Again, It was confirmed to me that I do not like cold weather camping.  We were finishing the final hookup when the camper across the street saw Carol's Air Force cap on his head and came over to share stories about their common Air Force service.  The neighbor had served from 1962-1966 which overlapped Carol's time by a year. He had even been stationed at Offutt AFB in some of that time.  He was quite a talker.  We finally got on the road about 9:00 am

We got through Memphis easily and headed down I-55 south.  It was overcast and we had a few sprinkles off and on but other than a brisk wind blowing from the south, we didn't have any trouble.  I like I-55 through Mississippi.  The road goes right through the heart of Mississippi between tall pine trees and red soil.  We passed an old motor home with this written with window chalk: "Thelma and Louise and their bucket list."  Two ladies were driving south.  I hope they don't end up like Thelma and Louise flying out to their death over the Grand Canyon.  At a gas station we met a young man who was from Michigan moving to Arizona.  He was driving a two-seated yellow BMW convertible.  We had seen him at the KOA tenting.  He had 2 huge Huskies in the passenger seat.  I told him that didn't leave much room for him but he said that they just curl up around each other.  

We made it to  Brookhaven, Mississippi where his twin sister and her daughter live with another daughter  Carla and her family about 2:00 pm.  We pulled our truck and camper into her daughter's drive way, opened the slides, hooked up electricity and then the visiting began in full force.  We had a great time catching up on their family.  Carla's son, Adam, and his family joined us for supper (which was delicious).   It was a regular gabfest not ending until nearly midnight.  The rain had set in so we went to bed listening to the rain hitting the top of the trailer.  I really like that sound!

The next morning the talk and fellowship began again until we had to leave around 10:00 am.  Today was a beautiful day,  sunshine, clear blue skies, no wind, and temperatures in the low 60's.  We drove through Baton Rouge with no problems.  There is an 18-mile long bridge that runs between Baton Rouge and Lafeyette.  It passes over the swamp and wetland area and is pretty. We made it to Cajun Palms Resort at 1:00 pm. We are in site 285.  Don and Peggy are in site 284.  This is a beautiful campground.  Campers are parked on concrete pads with enough room for a patio.  Green grassy space separate each of the pads.  The bathrooms/showers are large and clean.  There aren't too many campers here right now but Don and Peggy say that will change on the weekend when local families fill up the sites.  It has cooled down.  The weather forecast is calling for rain, rain, rain.  We hope it is wrong.  We will be here for 10 nights.

Carolyn and her two daughters, Carla and Alana.
We ate supper, walked Sandy and are going to relax the rest of the evening.  I might even get to bed a little earlier than last night.
The twins:   Carol and Carolyn

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