Sunday, February 17, 2013

Brrrr to Ahhhhh

This morning at 8:00 a.m. (When we left) It was 16 degrees in the great state of Illinois.  We were up at 6:00 am to hook up and do some last minute packing.  It was at that point that I decided that leaving Illinois in the winter was very uncomfortable and that maybe we needed our heads examined.  It took two hours in the warm truck to warm up my feet and hands.  Fortunately I came to my senses as we headed south and everything warmed up!

When you cross this bridge, you leave the State of Illinois into Missouri.
Our vacation begins!

Carol and his brother Darrell.
It was a nice day to drive...sunny with beautiful blue skies.  It seemed like there was a lot of semi traffic but with an experienced semi driver behind the wheel of our truck, it was no problem.  We stopped at "Boomland" which is a well-known tourist/truck stop on I-57 for gas.  Gas was $3.49 a gallon which was a good savings from the $3.89 in Decatur.  We stopped at a KOA outside of West Memphis, Arkansas, camped in site #1.  It will be quick and easy to pull out of here tomorrow.

After we got set up, Carol's brother, Darrell, drove out to the KOA to visit with us.  He took us to his house.  He has a neat clock collection and his house is very nice as well.  We ate supper  and returned to the KOA about 8:00.  We really enjoyed spending time with Darrell.  Before he left, I had to get a picture of the brothers.  Tomorrow, we leave here and drive to Brookhaven, Mississippi, to visit with Carol's twin sister, Carolyn and her daughter Carla and some of her family.  We are hoping the traffic is very light as we travel through Memphis.  The forecast calls for rain.  At least the temperature won't be 16 when we pack up tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Good to hear that you are on the road again and I anticipate that means Kara is mended/mending. Have a great trip!
