Friday, February 22, 2013

Cajun Palms: Golf Cart Capital of Louisiana

Today we decided to find a local bakery we had heard about to buy some donuts and go to an antique mall we had seen when we came into the campground.  We scored on one of these..we brought donuts.  The antique mall wasn't open yet.  We decided to drive through the countryside and happened upon another antique mall to explore.  We enjoy exploring the rural areas.  On the return trip we got back on the Atchafalaya Basin Bridge on I-10.  We had just gotten on when we were stopped by an accident involving a truck pulling a trailer and a four-wheeler.  We were stopped for nearly 1/2 of hour.  There were three ambulances but hopefully no one was hurt seriously.  

When we returned to the campground, lots more campers had come in for the weekend.  Golf carts were everywhere.  There is a restaurant just outside the fence boundary of the campground that will send a golf cart to pick you up and take to the restaurant.  That's service!   Dads, moms, kids, and dogs all travel by cart.  I saw a couple taking their Siamese cat for a ride.  The campground has a golf cart parade up and down the streets of the park on Mardi Gras weekend.  

Peggy and I have been working hard to improve the looks of my blog.  We discovered that we had accidentally deleted the pictures from a file from which the blog retrieves pictures.  I apologize if you can no longer see the pictures of the older blogs.  Someday when I have time, I may replace some of them but don't hold me to that!
Prepare to park your car and drive a golf cart.
Special spots for cart drivers to use.
Don't own a golf cart?  Rent one.  These are lined up waiting for someone to rent.  I think you can rent them for $10 a day
Parked next to the camper.  All ready for a ride around the campground.
Cart being towed into park.  Campers also bring them on trailers attached to their campers/motor homes.
Even Batman has a golf cart here!

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