Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Driving through Cajun Country

We began the day  with breakfast at the camper before hitting the road.  Our first stop was the Atchafalya Basin Visitor Center.  We were able to pick up a lot of brochures on the area and watched a short movie about the area.  We have passed by this
place several times in the semi coming and going to Houston but never noticed a large truck parking area.  Had we noticed, I'm sure we would have stopped before now.

We decided to drive a small local highway to Lake Fausse State Park.  The park has a very nice campground with electrics and water per site.  There were 3 hiking trails so we took the shortest one. It was 3/4th of a mile.  It was very pleasant. 

As we drove, some of the house owners had  posted signs with the names of their place.  Some were Playin Hooky, Bahamas Mama, Louisiana Woman and Mississippi Man, Never Home, and my favorite "Don't Stay, Don't Want to See You, Don't Care, Go Away."   I feel sure they don't want any visitors!

We also drove around Lake Martin.  The white heron were nesting and you could see white on the limbs of the bare trees which we finally figured out were the herons in their nests.  We were able to take a broadwalk trail into the swamp.  I have posted some pictures taken from the hike.  We enjoyed the day just driving through the countryside.  The weather was nice.

Some friends of Don, Peggy, and Carol came into the camp this afternoon.  They are parked across the street from us.  Tonight we are going to eat at a local restaurant so the ladies can stay out of the kitchen.

This is a pontoon bridge across a  canal.

These pictures are of our Lake Martin drive. 

Can you find the herons in their nests?

Two of our next door camper neighbors - Peggy and Niki
Skelton of a creature we found on our hike at Lake Fausse Point.
Two hikers I met on the trail.

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