Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Military Battlefields and Old Friends

Our first stop today was Kennesaw Military Battlefield National Park.   This battle was won by neither side but was the last major battle before Sherman captured Atlanta.

This shows two cannon balls embedded into a tree.

You cannot visit a military battlefield without seeing cannons.

From the top of Kennesaw Mountain, you could see Atlanta skyline in the distance.  Atlanta is about 20 miles from this mountain.

This is the trail to the top of Kennesaw Mountain.  We had to rest a couple of times but made it to the top.

At all battlefields, there are lots of monuments.  This one was for Union soldiers from Illinois.

We drove to the Confederate Cemetery.

This plaque explains this cemetery.

We left the battlefields at 3:30 and began the three hour drive to my friend Cheryl's in Robbinsville, North Carolina. 

The above pictures show the beauty we were able to enjoy as we drove east.  We arrived at Cheryl's around 7:00 p.m. and immediately began talking and talking.  We had so much to catch up on.  Cheryl and I have been best friends since our freshman year in high school nearly 60+ years ago.

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