Sunday, May 19, 2024

Down Time in Winter Haven

After all the excitement and celebration of yesterday, we decided today would be a day of rest.    After all, isn't Sunday supposed to be a day of rest.  We relaxed at the motel until 10:30 and then we went to John's.  Traditionally the last day we are here, we take them out to lunch and today would not be the exception.  We decided to go to "Big Tom's."  We have eaten there other times.  Big Tom's has good food at a reasonable price.  The menu is large enough that everyone can get what they like.  As usual it was packed which speaks to the fact that it is a good place to eat.

This is the road we take to Big Tom's.  The palm trees represent a true road in Florida.

After lunch we returned to John's to relax and enjoy more good conversation with everyone.  Katie modeled her special graduation Mickey Mouse hat.  

We spent the afternoon catching up from the last time we were here.  We explained, complained, bisected our problems and successes since our last good time of conversation.  We talked about our family history and our hopes for the future and whatever else came to mind.    About 4:30 we hugged and loved on each other and said our "goodbyes."  We were so glad we were able to drive down to Florida to be a part of Katie's special day. Back at the motel we relaxed for the rest of the evening.  Tomorrow we will be up early to be on the road.  We want to be on the northern side of Atlanta when we stop  for the night.  We have not driven through Atlanta for several years; of course, we hope the traffic has lessened but know that won't be the case.  With the motorhome, we have religiously avoided driving through Atlanta but now that we are in a car, we are going to attempt going through Atlanta.  

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