Saturday, May 18, 2024

Katie's Big Day

Up early  to be at John's by 7:00 a.m.  We wanted to get a close parking spot and seat.  Today we would watch Katie graduate from high school along with 404 other graduates of Auburndale High School.  The service began at 9:00 a.m. and was held outside.  The forecasted temperatures were in the low 90's and sunny and we sat on bleachers in the foot stadium.  We were fortunate to sit on the east side of the stadium and were in the shade for part of the morning.     It took nearly one hour for the 405 seniors to cross the stage and receive their diplomas.  

Mom Linda is a teacher at the high school so she received the privilege of giving Katie her diploma.

Posting for the official photo.

The teachers form a line and the new graduates walk by them to receive congratulations.  This is Katie and Linda walking by this line.

New graduate Katie leave the stadium with diploma in hand.

Following dismissal the new graduates meet  in the center of the football field to congratulate each other.

Katie and a proud dad.

Katie with dad and mom.

The entire family:  Aidan, Dad, Katie, Mom

Grandpa Mulvany and Katie sharing a special moment.

1800 students attend this school.

Katie with Grandpa and Grandma Mulvany

This is a room ready for a graduation celebration!

Katie with two of her classmates at the party.

Katie and her best friend Tracy.

Another tradition at this school is an airplane flying over the graduates and releasing yellow and blue streamers (the school colors).

It was a great day and we were so glad to be physically able to drive 1200 miles to be a part of Katie's graduation.  The ceremony went smoothly and despite the fact that there were 405 graduates, it took under two hours.  Linda and John hosted a nice graduation party and luncheon.  Attendees represented Katie's friends, church friends, teachers, and family.  All of Katie's grandparents were there to celebrate with her.  We drove from Illinois and Linda's dad drove from Michigan.    We are tired but it was worth it.  Two grandkids graduated and two more to go.

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