Thursday, November 8, 2018


The day began cold and cloudy and ended cold and rainy.  I did laundry this morning.  I thought it would lessen the amount of laundry I would need to do when we got home.  While the washers were going, I looked thought a display of things to do in Branson and saw a brochure on "Six" the show we were going to see at 8:00 tonight.  I noticed that there was only one show today and it wa at 2:00 p.m.  I finished my laundry as quickly as I could so we could get on the road to Branson.

The leaves were pretty.  If the sun had been shining, it would have been spectacular. 

The sign says "All voices, zero instruments, all music."  They are six brothers who sing a cappella.  We had seen their show the last time we were in Branson (Maybe 10 years ago?).  Not only do they sing harmony as only brothers can do, but they can sound like musical instruments.  It is amazing.

They are singing Beach Boys music.    The audience was filled with bald-headed men and grey haired women so this was a bit hit with them.

After the show we decided to drive the Branson Strip to find someplace to eat supper.  We saw this ferris wheel which we don't think was here the last tie we were here.  We at supper at a HONG KONG buffet.  It was good and we are stuffed.  During the show, it began to rain and the temperature was dropping.  When we got into the car, the temperature read 44 and by the time we got back to camp, the temp was 36.   It is not a nice weekend for Veterans Weekend in Branson.  Tomorrow evening we will be seeing the Oakridge Boys.  The show begins at 8:00 p.m. so it will be a late night for us.

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