Saturday, November 10, 2018

Oak Ridge Boys

We began the morning on a mission...a mission to get RV antifreeze for the motorhome in anticipation of  a 17 degree low temp tonight.  However, breakfast must be first so we decided to eat out.  I suggested Cracker Barrel but Carol wanted to find something different from what we have at home.  I googled and found a place called "The Breakfast Cafe."  That sounded perfect.  GPS directions took us downtown Springfield.  It was interesting.  Springfield has a current population of around 150,000 but like most towns, the downtown area is dying.  The restaurant was on a downtown corner and by the looks of it, we didn't want to eat there.  In the process of finding someplace else, we found Bass Pro.  

We never come to the Branson/Springfield area without visiting Bass Pro.

The employees were getting the place decorated for Christmas and Christmas music was playing.  Traveling like we have, we haven't seen a lot of Christmas stuff.  We spent about an hour wondering around and ended up not buying anything of importance.  Bass Pro has opened a new aquarium but we didn't visit because it is $30 per person to go inside.

Every Thursday evening, we watch Larry's Country Diner on RFD.  PFI sponsors the show and Carol wanted to visit their store.  It is everything western.  We saw a husband buy a $900 pair of boots because his wife liked them. That didn't happen in this family for one reason...I wouldn't let Carol spend $900 for a pair of boots for either him or me!  By this time it was 11:00 a.m. so we ate lunch at Golden Corral.   After lunch we found a Walmart, bought the antifreeze and went back to camp to relax and spend time with Sandy before we went to see the Oak Ridge Boys in Branson at 8:00 p.m

We had great seats...fifth row center.

Duane Allen does lead vocals.

Wiolliam Lee Golden, baritone

Joe Bonall, tenor.  Joe did a lot of the commentary and seemed the most active of the four.

The guy on right is Richard Sterban, bass.  

They put on a great show, singing all their hits and a few new songs in the first hour.   One of the songs they sang was "A Brand New Star (Up in Heaven Tonight).    This morning we got the new that an old friend, Nancy, died so this song really spoke to me.  The second half of the show,  was Christmas oriented.   We really enjoyed their show.  Tomorrow night we will see Vincent and Daley at the same theater and time.  

We didn't get home until 11:00 so I didn't take time to do my blog.  It will be the same tonight.  

Yesterday, before we left for the show, Carol disconnected our water and sewer, emptied all holding tanks,  and poured antifreeze down all drains in anticipation of the below freezing temps.  It got down to 16.  We are hoping we did enough to protect the water pipes in the motorhome.  It is only going to get down to 30 tonight.   Welcome, Winter.

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