Friday, December 18, 2015

Twas the Night Before Disney

It is hard to believe that nearly 14 months ago we were just beginning to plan the Disney trip and tomorrow we will begin the trip. This has been a busy day.  Packing for this trip has been very different...only suitcases.   We received an email from Disney with the weather forecast for the time we will be there.  Temps are going to be in the 80's every day; however, today in Decatur it is in the 30's.  That means clothes for cold weather for the first two days and then warm weather while in Disney.  The big news concerning Disney is the new security that has been implemented.  It is reported that there will be metal detectors and along with K-9's patrolling.  I have been told that already, bags had to be checked.  Too bad we have lost the freedoms we had in the 50's.

This afternoon we brought Hunter and Keegan to our house to spend the night and begin the trip in our car.  Mom and Dad needed to be kid-free this evening so special deliveries from Santa could arrive.  They went with us to take Sandy to "Almost Home Pet Motel."  We always hate to leave her in a kennel but sometimes it is necessary.  The boys are so excited about the trip.  I hope they are able to sleep tonight.  Our plans are to be on the road by 7:00 a.m.  We plan to meet Kara and Jason at MacDonalds in Vandalia for breakfast and the travel together to Disney.  Our first stop will be Calhoun, Georgia for the night.  By the time I post again, we will have one travel day under our belt.

Our bags are packed but there is one more thing to do before we can leave for Disney.   This is a picture that shows what happens in millions of homes in 2015 before a road trip.

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