Saturday, October 24, 2015

This Is a Wrap

The weather this year was unbelievable.  We did not have one drop of rain.  Every day was sunny or partly sunny with temps daytime in the 70's. It got cooler at night which makes for good sleeping.  The last weekend, the temps were colder during the day (low 60's) and near freezing at night.  We did use our furnace to take the chill out of the air a couple of nights.

Because it was so dry and very, very dusty, Carol washed the car twice.

I took this picture toward the play area on the first day.  The trees have barely changed.

This picture was taken the last day we were there.  

We always carve pumpkins when the boys camp with us.  Keegan wanted a tiny pumpkin and he was happy with the carving result

It was a great two weeks.

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