Saturday, December 19, 2015

A Traffic Nightmare

We were on the road by 7:00 a.m.  We met Kara and Jason at the MacDonalds in Vandalia for breakfast.  It was very far!   The boys rode with us until we stopped for lunch just outside of Paducah, KY.   It was another MacDonalds!   Both boys wanted to ride with mom and dad so we made the switch and headed on.  Then in Nashville, traffic came to a complete stop and inched along for what seemed an hour.  Construction caused three lanes to one lane and then eventually that one lane had to merge onto three other lanes.  It was horrible.

From then on, the traffic was nearly bumper to bumper but moved until we got about 30 miles outside of Chattanooga.  Again, we crept along.  This time there was no apparent reason for the slow down. I guess it is just normal for I-24.  There were huge signs over the highway telling us to expect slow and stopped traffic.

We finally arrived at Calhoun, Georgia at 8:15 EST.   We had driven 12 hours.  According to Google the trip should have taken 9 hours!  Thank heavens, the boys were real troopers.  We are all tired, especially the drivers.  We are at the Country Inn and Suites.  Carol and I plan to stay in the room and rest.  Jason went out with the boys to Wendy's and will bring us back a sandwich.

Our plans are to be on the road by 7:00.  Google says it should take a little over 8 hours but if the traffic continues like today, it will be another 12 hour day.   The good thing is that tomorrow we should be at Disney World!!!

Nashville skyline.

I couldn't get a picture of the "Welcome to Georgia" sign because it was dark.

Tomorrow we tackle Atlanta...that is scary!  If today is any indication of the traffic, Atlanta will be another traffic nightmare.

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