Saturday, December 26, 2015

Animal Kingdom and Disney Springs - Merry Christmas

Today is our last day.  We are all sad but are determined to make the most of it.  Carol, Hunter, and I got up early to go to The Magic Kingdom to ride one ride...Space Mountain!  The park opened at 7:00 and even though we got there at 7:45, it was already packed.  We learned later that the park closed to anyone else coming in after 11:00 that morning.  It was a foggy morning so we stopped for a picture of Cinderella's Castle in the fog.  Hunter loved Space Mountain and wants to conquer all the "mountains" at Disney World.
This is what Cinderella's
Castle looks like at 8:00 a.m. on a foggy morning.
This is were Space Mointain is located.

Hunter always wanted to sit alone but sometimes that wasn't possible.

Hunter took this picture.  Don't we look tired?

Our first view of The Animal Kingdom
An employee took this picture of us at the Animal Kingdom.
Can you tell how crowded it is even at 8:00 in the morning?

After we got back French Quarter, we dropped Hunter off and headed to The Animal Kingdom.  This was the first time Carol and I had been there.  We really enjoyed it and wished we could have spent more time.  We took a safari jeep to see lots of animals and ate lunch at a food bazaar like you would see in Africa.  

We met Kara and family at 1:00 so we could all ride a water ride.  It was a big inner tube in which 10-12 people can ride.  The innertube is sent down a river, around curves and over small drops.  The sign says "You will get wet."  Keegan didn't want to ride but papaw took control and convinced him to ride.  While we were waiting in line, a lady came from the ride and gave Keegan a poncho she had worn to keep herself dry.  We considered that a gift from God and covered Keegan up to keep him dry.  We all climbed in, the innertube took off down the river and the first big drop, everyone but Keegan got soaked.  Keegan began to cry but since there was no place to go except on, he finished the ride.  He tells us he will not ever ride it again!

After that Hunter and I rode the Everest Expedition which is a giant roller coaster which goes backwards part of the time.  It was so much fun.  Hunter says he has conquered all the great mountain rides in the part.  He is an accomplished roller coaster rider.  We parted company because Carol and I had supper reservations Paradiso 37 in Disney Springs.

We had to change from our wet clothes and took a bus to the Springs.  It was sooooo packed that you could hardly walk.  We found the restaurant.  The food was decent but it was a metal building and the noise inside was very loud.  We couldn't even talk to each other.  We planned to meet Kara and family and John and family so we could say our final goodbyes.  Our first mistake was our choice of meeting place.   It was right by an outdoor stage where loud (and I do mean loud) music was played.   The second mistake was not taking into account the size of the crowds.  We were not able to meet at our chosen time.   We waited and waited for John and family while our ears were being bombarded with the music.  Finally, Kara and family needed to eat so they left and after John got there, we said our goodbyes, we left, too.  We took a boat back to the resort.  It was a much needed peaceful and quiet ride.

Tomorrow, we head home.  We are all sad.  It has been a wonderful week.  Today, my feet finally gave out which was another reason we had to leave early from Disney Springs.  I was able to push through the tiredness and pain but today I gave into it.  When we got back to the room, I discovered a big blister on one foot.  No matter, it was so painful.  It was worth the pain and tiredness to spend this week together.
Do you see the lion?  On the other side of this rock in a crevice was the female.
He is enjoying a nap in the sunshine.

This tree is called the "upside down tree" because it looks like the roots are at the top.

An elephant hiding in the brush.

Ostrich eggs.
Crocodiles  enjoying the sun.
A better view of an "upside down" tree.
A termite hill.  
This was our mode of transportation through the wildlife area.
Look at the horns on their animals.

Several giraffes.
The "Tree of Life."  How many animals can you spot in the trunk?
This was the entrance to the market area in which we ate lunch.  This was in the African area of the park

A close up of the trunk of the Tree of Life.

The garden area outside our building.

We were in line for the River Ride in the Asia area.  Keegan didn't want to ride it, but Papaw convinced him to do it.  As we were in line a lady came off the ride and asked if we wanted her poncho so we put it on Keegan to keep him dry  It worked.  It kept him dry but it didn't keep him from crying when we went over the first fall and water came pouring into the boat.  Everyone but Keegan got soaked!
Animal Kingdom (like every other park) was decorated for  Christmas.  I loved the wreaths in the windows.

Some of the groups that performed at the Animal Kingdom

Hippos enjoying the water.
The boys loved the Lego Store at Disney  Springs.  Snow White and Bashful are made out of Legos.  There was a huge water serpent in the water by the store that was made of Legos as well.

If you wanted, you could take a hot air balloon ride.

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