Monday, February 24, 2014

Taking Care of Business

Today was a day to get some necessary things done.  It didn't rain and the temperature was in the 60's so it was a good day to be out and about.
Number One Business for Today
This is the plate and ball that attaches to the tongue of our camper.
One end of the Sway Control Bar attaches to this and the other end attaches to a ball on the hitch of our truck.  The instructions for usage of the bar say "Do not back up with the sway bar in place."

This is what happens to the plate and ball when you disregard the instructions and back up.  In our defense, we were in a very tight gas station and desperately needed gas so we backed.  We were able to get gas so that was a good thing.  The other good thing was when we were able to find a replacement plate, it was free because it had been taken off another camper.  Thanks, Southern RV in Layafette, Louisiana.  Carol, Don, and Bill were able to make the change, so we are set to go when we leave here in two weeks.

Number Two Business
Pick up a few things from Walmart.
Mission Accomplished!

We ended our day of business by picking up fresh cracklins for snacking.  Sandy loves cracklins as much as Carol.  Here she is waiting patiently for her share.

We may not like it to rain while we are camping here but the ducks that live here like the extra water.  These visited the drive across from our site.  They are enjoying the worms that get caught in the puddles.

The rains are suppose to hold off until Wednesday so tomorrow we will get out and may actually see some things.  What we see is still to be determined.

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