Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday Weather Report: Rain

We woke up about 4:30 to the sound of rain beating against the camper.  It was a preview of what was to come. Sandy and I walked at 7:00 and it wasn't raining but it began to sprinkle before we got back.  Then the rain set in for the morning.   The rain came in periods of heavy rain and then slack off but still rain.  Sandy spent most of the morning hiding under the table.  She doesn't like storms.  You can see the fear in her eye!

Carol and I spent the morning reading and listening to a radio station playing Cajun music.  The announcer said that there had been some wind damage in Lafayette at Cajunfield where some of the Mardi Gras activities are held.  We didn't feel any wind here, only rain.  It finally stopped raining by noon.  We got out of the camper to walk Sandy and had lots of rain puddles to avoid, some of which we had to walk through.  We didn't have any plans for the day.  We wanted to stay out of the truck and just relax, so the rain came at a good time for us.

This puddle covers the whole driveway just on the other side pad where we are camped.  The grassy areas are just as wet so to avoid walking in the water is nearly impossible in some places.  Our camping buddies told us that last week the weather was perfect.  Other than rain the temperatures are great. According to my thermometer it got up to 70!  Some of those same camping buddies even suggested that we were the cause of the rain!  

Just like Illinois, the winter down here has had it's extreme cold spells.  The palm trees here at Cajun Palms show the effects of that cold.  The ranger at the Mississippi park we camped in said that they had nearly two weeks of ice which is unheard of  around there.  Spring will arrive everywhere and we will have stories about the winter of 2013-2014!


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