Saturday, February 22, 2014

We Are Here!

It was cool sleeping last night.  Cool means into the 40's!  We did turn on the heat.  Sandy and I walked the campground and down the road a short way.  It was nice walking with tall trees to look at instead of the neighborhood in which we normally walk.  We pulled out of the campground at 8:00.   Most of I-55S has been smooth...until we hit Brookhaven and then it got rough.  Fortunately, it only lasted 40 miles or so until we got into Louisiana.

 We stopped in at the Louisiana Welcome Center.  Carol had on his Air Force ball cap and the cap always seems to find another Air Force veteran.  Today was no exception.  This man had been in the Air Force during the Korean War but had been a SAC man like Carol.  Carol is a man of few words which was fine because this man was a man of many.  He told him about everywhere he had been and more.  He was very nice but we really wanted to get back on the road.  Cajun Palms was calling to us.

We arrived at Cajun Palms about 1:30.  We are in site 286, Don and Peggy are in #287 and Bill and Ericka in #288.  After setting up we all sat outside so the dogs could get reacquainted.  Jessie, Nicki and Sandy decided to tolerate each other instead of being best friends.

For supper we went to a restaurant named McGee's Landing. It is located outside of town, across a levy, overlooking Henderson Swamp.  Carol had Fried alligator and I had chicken!  It had a wonderful Cajun/swamp atmosphere and a three-piece band played Cajun music and even sang some of the songs in French, of course.  A few couples danced,  they make it look so easy.  I guess if you were born down here, you would naturally dance.  I love to watch them dance.  Now we are back in our camper just relaxing.  I think we will stay close to the site tomorrow and relax.

Another picture of a bridge across the Mississippi River.
This one is located in Baton Rouge.

This is where we had supper.
The guys may take a swamp tour from here.

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