Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Laundry and Shopping Louisiana Style

It was a cool, rainy night.  It was still misting when Sandy and I walked at 7:00.  We decided to stay around the campsite and wait out the rain.  I decided to do laundry.  That means packing up and going to the laundry in the camp.  It took me nearly three hours but we will be clean for awhile.  It didn't take that long because we had a lot of laundry; rather because the dryers took so long to dry things.

After I got the laundry done, Ericka stopped by the camper to see if I would like to do some shopping in Layafette.  I never pass up a chance to shop but because she does not drive and I won't drive down here and in unknown city traffic;  Carol graciously agreed to drive us.  He really didn't mind.  He likes to shop and when he gets tired of that he sits and people watches.

We were looking for a specifics mall.  It took us two exits and a call to Peggy to find it.  I had forgotten to bring my  IPad so I called Peggy for her to get us the directions.  We really saw the city of Layafette but finally found the mall.  It is larger than anything we have in Decatur or Springfield.  
We left the campground at 1:00 and got back at 5:00.  

We are settled in for the evening.  The weather forecast promises it will be dryer but cooler for the next couple of days so I think we will do some more sightseeing tomorrow.  It is supposed to get down to freezing tonight so we have turned on the heat for the first time.    After talking to Kara yesterday, I know we will still be warmer than Decatur.

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