Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Southern Illinois and Crab Orchard Lake

We left Decatur at 1:15 p.m.   Carol was driving the motorhome and I followed in the car.  We decided since it was only three hours to the campground and our site was not a pull-through, I would drive the car.  It was a smooth trip.  We stopped a couple of times but made it to the campsite around 5:00.  The site is very beautiful but unlevel.  It took us about 30 minutes to get the motorhome level.  Mission accomplished!  We called Betty and Mark to let them know we were set up and they drove out.  We sat outside talking and watching Blue Herons fish in the inlet of the lake on which our camper is set.  Here are a couple of pictures.

It was a good, uneventful day.  The temperatures are cool and beautiful.  We have a big day of sightseeing planned for tomorrow.  Looking forward to being with Betty and Mark and discovering more about Southern Illinois.

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