Wednesday, August 21, 2024

"See You Later, Hunter" Day

 Last night after I had finished the blog, Hunter, Carol and I played a final couple games of "Crazy Cards."  Keegan played with us for awhile and then Jason took his place.  It was a great way to end our long day.

 Carol and I and Keegan ate breakfast about 7:30 and then waited for the rest of the crew to get up, pack up, and eat.  Around 9:30 everything was complete and we took pictures and give him our final hugs.

Memaw and the future aerospace engineer.

Memaw, Hunter, Papaw

The brothers showing some love to each other.

The Ozee Family

We left the motel areound 10:00 a.m. and the Ozee Family left soon after headed for the campus to find Hunter's assigned parking space and the having their final goodbyes.  We stopped at I-80 for gas a late lunch.  Before going home, we stopped by St. John's Hospital to visit Carol's brother Don who had surgery on Tuesday.  We arrived home around 7:00 p.m.  

It was a good three days and even though we are tired, it was worth being tired.  We are retired so we can spend tomorrow catching up.  Our next trip will be September 8 when we will take the motorhome to Southern Illinois to visit with my sister Betty and her husband Mark and see that part of Illinois.  We are looking forward to traveling again even if it is just to Southern Illinois.

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