Thursday, September 19, 2024

Iowa: Here We Come

 Up at normal time but I had an eye doctor appointment at 8:20 so we couldn't leave until after that.  All went well and we were finally on the road by 9:45.  We were looking forward to getting on the road to see how the new car would do on the tow dolly.  Fortunately, the car towed smoothly.  We crossed into Iowa around 12:30 and our next stop was I-80 Truck Stop.  Stopping there is a must.  We filled up the motorhome for $3.07 a gallon and then had lunch at Taco Bell, one of the several fast food options at the truck stop.

Saw these wildflowers along the road in Iowa.

Site #4 at Palisades-Kepler State Park.  We arrived at the park at the check-in time of 4:00 p.m

It is a nice spot located at the end of the campsite row so we have lots of space and a nice view.  The only drawback is the only hookup is 50 amp service.  We knew that so we filled our fresh-water tank before we left home.

The road into the park is this beautiful, winding paved road through a thick forest.

One of the many barns with the patchwork quilt design on the front.

After getting set up, we drove deeper into the park and found that the Cedar River flows through it.  The river looks very low but the low level exposed more of the limestone cliffs that line the river bank on the west side of the river

The park has several picnic tables along the road.  I liked this one because the bench is set back into a  small cave.

There is a house setting on top of the cliff in the woods.  What a view the owner must have.

After we drove around the park, we went back to our site and settled in for the evening.  It was around six o'clock.  Because it was so beautiful outside, we sat outside listening to music, reading and just relaxing.  We hadn't eaten our lunch until 1:30 so we had a late supper.  Around 8 I began to work on this blog.  Unfortunately, no internet service.  After some frustration, I put the computer away with the hope that in the morning I would be able to find enough internet service to do the blog.  So here it is seven o'clock in the morning and I am doing yesterday's blog.  That may be the story for this whole trip as we are planning to camp in state parks.  Unlike private campgrounds where internet service is offered, state parks like to stay as natural as possible and that means limited internet service.  We do like the rustic campsites in state parks so we will forfeit evening internet service.  Off to bed early (9 pm) but rested well and are up and ready for another day.  

P.S.   Hunter telephoned us this evening to tell us that he has Covid.  Yuck!!  He hasn't been feeling well since Saturday and finally got tested for Covid today and tested positive.  Hopefully, he will be feeling better by Friday when we are camping near his school and he is planning to camp with us for the weekend.   He was told at the health clinic that today having Covid is like having the flu or a bad cold.  Carol and I aren't going to let that keep us from seeing him and his being with us this weekend.  We did have some sightseeing plans with him that may not happen,  but we will be able to have fun at the campsite...lots of cards, catching up, chess with papaw, campfires, and of course, s'mores!

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