Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Exploring the Outer Banks

 Woke up by 6 so we were able to watch the sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean....we didn't actually see the sun because of the thick clouds but we could see the effects of the sun on the clouds.

First peek of the sun over the horizon.

Not only were there sunrise watchers but a fisherman.

Dog walkers joined the sunrise watchers.

A truck from the National Park Service drove by.

The clouds wouldn't let the sun shine through.

A picture of the campground from the dunes on which we walk down to the ocean.  Our motorhome is in the second row with the blue window shade.  After we watched the sunrise, we ate breakfast at the KOA's café called "Tina's."  Carol had biscuits and gravy and I had a breakfast burrito.  Both were very good and got our day started off well.

We have reservations for a jeep  tour of the sand dunes of Currituck Beach tomorrow morning.  Wild horses live on and around the beach and we are supposed to be able to see them.  We wanted to know how long the drive would be to Currituck Beach so we decided to drive up there and time the drive.  The sand grader was already at work removing sand.

There was water on one side of the road.

We found the place where we take the tour and found that the one lighthouse that we also wanted to see was in the same area.  While we were driving, three deer ran along the side of the road.  It is the first deer we have seen this trip.  They were in a residential area. This big cactus was there.

The Currituck Beach Lighthouse.  There are four major lighthouses on the Outer Banks
This is the only one not painted white.  The red brick is very pretty.  For $12 you could climb the 200 steps inside for what, I am sure, would be a beautiful view.  We opted out of that climb.
This is a replica of the Roanoke Marshes Lighthouse.  It is not a traditional lighthouse.  

A unique thing about the Roanoke Marshes Lighthouse is that the house is set into the marsh land on huge screws like the one above.  These screws are screwed into the marsh and then support poles from the house fit into the inside of the screws; thus holding and stabilizing the house.

The marsh around the lighthouse.

Our supper:  Carol had Cajun Shrimp and Pasta and I had  Cajun Fried Chicken Salad.
 I liked mine very much; Carol was not impressed with his.
Supper was at Dirty Dick's Crab House.
In the marsh around the lighthouse was this old boat.  It has seen better days.

We stopped at a couple of tourists-type shops and I brought a couple of  Christmas ornaments. We got back to camp around 4:00 p.m. and were tired so we took a nap.  It felt good to relax
. I decided to get my blog done early so no sunset pictures.    It was a good day.

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