Wednesday, October 18, 2023

A Week in Pictures

This post will contain comment and pictures from the last seven days at Turkey Run.  We did lots of driving rural roads, viewing beautiful fall trees, spending time with visitors at the RV, and visiting a sister.  Here we go....

On Tuesday we had a nice visit with Carol's sister Jean.  
We took her out to lunch.  Her son Miles joined us for some good conversation.  Jean's birthday is next week.  Happy Birthday, Jean.
In the last few days the trees have really begun to change into there fall colors  The rural roads are so pretty and around each curve the scene changes.  

Friday evening we drove to Warrensburg to pick up Keegan so he could spend the weekend with us.  Hunter had to work so Keegan brought a friend.  Saturday we went to Bridgeton to the Covered Bridge Festival.

Can you spot the boys?

Keegan and his friend Malachi brought sunglasses and posed at each of the windows of the bridge.

Tuesday morning as we were headed to Danville to see Jean, the sky was filled with the jet streams of Air Force jets.

On Sunday, we took a short hike on one of the canyon trails.

The three guys are just beginning the trail.

These boys love to pose.

Sunday evening we had our first fires.  Jason came over to Turkey Run to pick up the boys and we had hot dogs and s'mores....very good!

Hunter always loved to chop wood and now Keegan is following in his big brother's footsteps.

At the end of a long day.

Wednesday we traveled on some rural roads that we have never  been on in the 15 years we have  been coming here.  We were surprised to find this marker in memorial of two Army Air Corps pilots who  crashed in a field a mile from the marker.  I googled their names and found out that on September 7, 1941 they were in a B-17 flying from Scott Field (Scott AFB) to Patterson Field (Wright-Patterson AFB).  A vicious storm crashed into their plane sending their plane nose first into the field.  Both men died.  LTC Davidson is buried in Arlington.  They died exactly three months before Pearl Harbor so they never took part in WWII.  All of this happened 80 years ago and a man put up this marker to keep their names and the crash in the community's memory.

We found Big Foot on the same road.

In the parking lots of the festivals we saw several Jeeps with rubber duckies in their windshields.  I was curious to find out why.  The above Jeep only has a few.  Some of the windshields of some of the Jeeps were covered and in two layers.  I googled and found out that this practice was began by a woman in Canada during Covid.   She brought a big bag of rubber duckies and began putting them on Jeep windshields with a note saying "Have a good day.":

She said that it felt like everything was falling apart for lots of us and the ducks were a simple way to say: "Hey, you are not alone.":  Now three years later there are several Facebook
 groups and hundreds of thousands of social media posts from Jeep owners around the world who take part in the trend.  Now three years late it has finally found it's way to rural Indiana.  This is called "Jeep ducking" or "duck, duck Jeep"

It is hard to believe that we only have four days left of our two weeks here at Turkey Run.  It has been an interesting time.  We haven't been to Rockville so we plan to go there tomorrow.  Friday, we will go back to Warrensburg to pick up Hunter so he can spend the weekend with us.  Keegan may be here as well.  Then our six week adventure that began September 11 will be over this coming Monday.

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