Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Cape Hatteras

 On the road by 8:15 a.m.  For the first time on this trip, we did not turn the air conditioner on.  I.  t was a cool night which made for a nice night of sleeping.  Yesterday when we did our light check on the dolly, we discovered that a brake light was out on the motorhome.  Today when we stopped at the Flyin' J for gas, we needed to get a replacement bulb.  

Some serious repair work being done here.

We drove most of the morning on I-95 North and then US 64 East.  These trees were in the median.  I couldn't tell if they were just beginning to bloom or ending their bloom but they were still pretty.

As we got closer to Cape Hatteras, we had to cross several bridges  This is one of them..

Another bridge.

Another bridge.

Our first tiny view of the ocean.

When we got to Nag's, we turned south on NC 12.  It runs parallel to the ocean and instead of keeping snow from the road, this man's job is to clear the road of sand.  I think he is busy all day.

Where we are staying the next three nights and two days.

Typically a KOA office is an A-frame type building.  I like this style of office building better.

Just walk up these stairs and you will see the ocean.  Take the steps down on the other side and there is a nice beach.  This is located 100 feet from our motorhome.  We can hear the waves crashing on the shore when we are sitting outside.

Carol getting his feet wet.

He is getting more than just his feet wet.  The water is not cold as we thought it would be.

I managed to get more than my feet wet, too!

The beach is on the east side of where we are camped.  Across the street from the KOA to the west is another open area where you can walk and watch the sunset.  I took this picture from there.

The sun has set.

We arrived at the KOA around 2:00 p.m.  This gave us plenty of time to get set up and relax.  There was a nice wind blowing so we opened windows in the motorhome.  There will be no air conditioner tonight.  We had time to eat supper, walk on the beach, and watch a beautiful sunset.  We had to shut all the windows in the motorhome because it was too cool.  That is quite a change but we like it.  Since we are so close to the beach, we hope to see the sun rise in the morning.  Not sure what we will do tomorrow but I think we will drive north.  The last time we were here, we saw most of the lighthouses south of here.  

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