Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Getting out of Florida before Ian Hits

Linda and the kids did not have to go to school today but John had a half day of work.  We took him to work at 8:00 a.m. so we could get on the road.  The secondary roads were not too bad but the interstates were packed.  John and Linda found a route going north out of Florida that would follow four-laned  highways through rural scenery.  It was a very nice drive; although, it took an hour of so longer.

Finally, a picture of the family who graciously allowed us to stay with them.
Katie, Linda, Aiden, John

This is a picture of I-4 headed east.  Glad we didn't have to get or drive on it.

Clouds were starting to move in.

There were a lot of large horse farms/ranches on  US27 north of Orlando.

A pretty little church along the way.

We saw hundreds of power trucks headed south.  Once Hurricane Ian moves through, these guys will be ready to restore power wherever needed in Florida after Ian does its damage.  We even saw trucks on the highways in Georgia headed to Florida.  I just heard on the TV that 30,000 linemen will be available.  If each of these trucks have one or two men in it, that is a lot of trucks!

Goodbye, Florida

Hello, Georgia.

We made it to our motel a little before three so we decided to eat supper before checking in.  This is "Bubbas Bistro"  

The chicken was delicious.

 We are settled in to a Best Western Motel in Richmond Hill, Georgia which is just south of Savannah. It is very nice.  They have a full hot breakfast which we plan to take advantage of.  We plan to relax for the rest of the evening.

We turned on the TV  so we could see what Hurricane Ian was doing.  Video of Key West was shown.  The waves were crashing over the southernmost point marker there.  Today was the first day we would have spent there and tomorrow we were to take the ferry to the Dry Tortugas National Park.  I have mixed feelings:  We would love to be there and we know we shouldn't be there!  Hopefully, we can try that trip again.  They are saying that Florida has not had a strong hurricane like Ian for nearly five years.  

One more thing:  On Saturday evening Carol was outside at John's getting something from the car when he saw a rocket with its smoke tail in the sky.  Hunter said it was a SpaceX Falcon 9 carrying 52 starlink satellites.  Lucky him that he got to see it.

As I sit here, it is hard to imagine a hurricane is overpowering Florida.  Glad we left when we did.

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