Sunday, September 25, 2022

A Quiet Sunday of Watching the Track of Ian

 We attended church with John and Family.  Aiden was supposed to be baptized this morning but at the last minute, decided not to.  It was a nice traditional worship service.  The hymns were half and half...half Church of God and half Southern Baptist.  It is an older church.  There were several walkers parked by the choir loft but the choir sounded great.  Everyone was very nice.  After the service we ate lunch at a local diner.  All six of us had something different but it was all good.  I had to catch up on my blog and posted yesterdays blog and worked on todays.  So far it has been very quiet.

Pixie enjoyed an afternoon nap.

This week is Homecoming Week for Katie's school and she is planning to go.  Mom and Katie are figuring out how her hair will be fixed.

What do you think?   The bling are clips that belonged to her Great-grandma Wilson.

Mom needed to shorten her dress so we got to see how pretty she looks in the gown.
It is hard to believe that she is a junior in high school.

  It was a nice day of relaxion and family time, and watching for updates on Tropical Story Ian.  No new info.

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