Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Turkey Run Wrap Up

We got back to Decatur about 12:30 and unpacked.  I managed to get everything into the house but some of it is still stacked on the floor or table where I left it.  Tomorrow I have two weeks of laundry to do.  It will be costly but much faster to take the laundry to the laundry mat so off to the laundry mat I go!  On the agenda for tomorrow:  laundry, put away stacks, and cleaning the camper.  I doubt I get that all done so it will most likely spill over to Friday.  So much for that, I must get trip info on the record, so here goes.

The last two weeks have been very much needed after the last two months Carol and I have had.  August was wrapped up with my foot surgery.  I sat for five weeks with my foot elevated and Carol performing household chores,  cooking, dog walking, laundry, and nursing duties.  September was focused on mom and her physical needs and ultimate passing.  October was a time to rest and get renewed.  Camping at Turkey Run for two weeks accomplished that.

The weather was cooler than we had experienced in previous trips to Turkey Run but we think cooler is better when camping.    Temperatures ranged from 75 during the day to 32 at night.  The last two days temps ranged from 50 day to 32 at night.  We had to use our furnace at night.  We had rain a couple of nights but nothing during the day to cause problems.  The first weekend, Hunter camped with us and we visited a corn maze, canoed on the Sugar River, carved pumpkins, and he and Carol hiked (I was not able to hike...doctors orders).  Wednesday through the second weekend, we visited the Covered Bridge Festival. The last two days we relaxed around the campsite and drove some of the backroads in this part of Indiana.   That is really what we enjoy the most.  The trees had finally begun to turn and some the roads are through very rural areas.  It was a time to reflect on the beauty of God's creation and to quote God, "It is good."

We plan to return next year and may even change our site from under the trees to a more open spot.  We will have to see what is a available when I make the reservations in April.  I am posting several pictures that will represent some of the sights we saw this year.
Taken at the corn maze.
Sitting around the campsite enjoying a fire and I-Pad time.
Canadian geese we shared the canoe trip with.
One of the two covered bridges under which we canoed.
Hunter showing his paddling skills. 

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