Friday, October 11, 2013

Turkey Run Down Time

We arrived at Turkey Run around 2:00 pm EDT.   We are in Site 204 (same as last year).  Not many here yet but I am sure that will change by Friday.  It is perfect camping weather...70's in the daytime, sunny, and 50's at night.  The leaves haven't started changing yet.  The last four weeks must have worn us out because the first night we went to bed at 9:00 and didn't get up until 8:00!!

Thursday we relaxed around the campsite and took several walks with Sandy.  Sandy loves to camp and take walks.  She will be spending time in the camper when we go to the festival but that won't be until next week.  If the weather holds, the festival will be packed so we don't plan to go any this weekend.

We drove to Decatur because I had a hair appointment and we picked up Hunter who will stay until Monday.  Because I have Internet service in Decatur, I wanted to get this post up.  Who knows when I will find a connection in the next two weeks!   John may bring Katie and Aidan and camp with us Sunday and Monday.  In all the times we have camped there in the last four years, John had never been there.  It will be fun to have three of our four grand kids camping with.  Linda will stay in Flat Rock to pack for their move to Colorado.  I see trips to Colorado in our future.

I will end this blog.  Hunter wants the I-pad to play Mindcraft.

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