Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Disney World Here We Come

Everyone was anxious to get on the road so we were loaded up and left Warrensburg at 7:45 a.m.  Our next stop for the night would be Pelhem, Alabama.  It was an overcast day but that makes driving fighting the sun in the eyes.
Crossed our first river...the great Ohio.  There were lost of barges doing their job.

I decided not to take my big camera and only use my phone for pictures.  Normally, that would produce good pictures but not when you are trying to take them through tented car windows.  

Lunch was in Kentucky at Five Guys.  Carol and I had never eaten at one but we were not disappointed.  It is basically a fast food hamburger and fries joint but was very good.  They took a lesson from Texas Roadhouse and had large bags of peanuts in the shell for us to munch on while waiting for our food.

When driving through Nashville, I had to take a picture of the Batman building.  

I thought this was an interesting shot of a building reflecting another building,

We drove off and on in rain but not a hard rain.  Made it to Alabama which means only two more hours to Pelhem.  There is a new Bucee's in  Alabama but it was so late we didn't stop.  We plan to make that a stop on the way back home.  Also, there is sunshine in  Alabama!

Made it to the Comfort Inn in Pelham around 6:15.  The temperature is 65 and sunny.
  We checked into our rooms and ate a late supper at a Whataburger.  I wish we had one in Decatur.  Finally in our rooms at 8:00 and relaxing.  It was a long day of driving but that was our plan....two long days of driving, a day at the Magic Kingdom, a day with John and Family, and then two more long days.  The internet here is fast but the pictures from the phone are more complicated to download to my blog.  Frustrated, I shut it off at 9:30 and went to bed.  During one of my awake times, the thought of how to get the pictures downloaded to my blog came to mind.  Up at 5 to try one more time to download pictures...success!  Now the trick will be to remember how I did this tonight when I try again.

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