Friday, March 24, 2023

Unfortunate Adventures of the Ozee/Mulvany Florida Trip

Began the day with a trip to the CVS for snacks for our trip home tomorrow..  Also got Krispy Cream donuts for breakfast.   Mmmm, they were good.  Kara, Keegan and I were dropped off at Disney Springs while the men took the car to the Firestone Store for repairs to the air conditioner. 

Disney Springs.

This was a picture made totally of Legos on the side of the Lego Store.

Mickey in Legos.

We got to see the volcano erupt at the Rain Forest Café.

The streets of Disney Springs

We spent two hours walking the streets of Disney Springs then, Jason called to tell us that the car could not be fixed today.  Parts needed were not in stock and would not arrive at the store until tomorrow morning.  So we Disney Springs shoppers had to wait for the guys to get things figured out.  The solution was to take a Uber to a auto rental in order to rent a car for the day.  By the time that was accomplished it was nearly 4:30.  Back to the room and then drive to John and Linda's for supper and a short visit.

As we were driving to John's, Jason got a telephone call to say the car was ready.  We were glad because it will mean we can be on the road by mid-morning.  We had a good but short visit with John and Family.

Here we are left to right
Carol, Me, John, Aidan, Jason, Katie, Kara, Linda.  Keegan took the picture.

This picture shows the same group of people but with Keegan and not Jason.

It was another good day.  The weather was perfect and being together as a family was priceless.  Tomorrow we head back to Illinois.  

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