Monday, October 24, 2022

Friday, Saturday, Sunday

 It has been a busy three days.  We took a quick trip to Decatur to be at Warrensburg/Lathan High School Senor Recognition.  Spent Friday evening and night in Decatur and drove back to Turkey Run with the boys for Saturday and Sunday.

More pretty trees as we drove west to Decatur.

Nice sunset.  In the trees of Turkey Run we have not seen either sunsets or sunrises.

Friday Night Football at Warrensburg/Lathan Senior Recognition.  Only took video so no still pictures of the recognition. There were 12 band members and their parents.  Parents were introduced and the future plans of each senior was announced. 

On Saturday, we went to the Covered Bridge Festival.  As we were driving through the country, we saw this Amish boy working the field.  He was probably no older than Keegan...maybe even younger.

That evening, we had to have a campfire so we could have s'mores.

Sunday morning we went to the (as Keegan calls it) the forest and park.

Hunter, the senior, and Memaw.

Keegan (12) and Hunter (17)
I reminded the boys of Psalm 133:1 - "How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity."

Keegan and Memaw

Playing at the park.

A selfie!

A wrestling duo!

Keegan loves to climb into the valleys that run through the park.  Hunter did the same thing at Keegan's age.

Can you find Keegan in the trees?

While the boy and I were at the park, Carol got a quick nap in.

Sunday we drove to Danville, Indiana to have lunch at the Mayberry Café.  The food is delicious and we love the Mayberry/Andy Griffith theme of the café.

A picture of the hat Hunter brought at the Festival.  We are trying hard to influence him to become a conservative and I think we may have accomplished that.  One more year and he can vote!  About six o'clock Kara and Jason came for supper and take the boys back home.  It was a wonderful weekend but busy.  

Monday we saw some poisoners walking the campground picking up trash.  In all the years we have been camping here we have never seen this.
This is our last day and night here.  After I finish this entry, we will take another backroad drive to see some of the covered bridges and have supper out.  It is not sunny, but it is not raining so it will be a nice day for a drive.

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