Sunday, October 2, 2022

Rain, Rain Go Away

Here we go again...another rainy day and also heavy fog and mist.  After breakfast and packing up, we planned to visit the Grandview area of New River Gorge National Park.   The pictures tell the story.

This is the Grand View.

Carol in front of the Grand View.

We did see a lot of deer.


We found out that Bridge Day honors the day the bridge was completed.  The bridge is totally closed to all traffic allowing pedestrians to walk across the bridge.  I would love to be here for that.  Some  beautiful pictures could be taken from the bridge.

Another view taken on another day in rainy conditions.

To take the above pictures we had to walk down 187 steps AND back up again.  We did it!!
There were a few stops for breath.  

After snapping pictures of the bridge for a final time, we left this area of West Virginia.  We had planned to visit Nuttallburg which is part of the National Park. Nuttallburg is an historic town and coal processing center.  I checked with the rangers about the condition of the road there and was told that all the rain the last two days makes that road unsafe and we should not try.

We took US 19 north to Interstate 78.  It was raining and the clouds covered the mountains.  

We crossed into Maryland and pulled into a rest area to take a rest.  Both of us managed to take a short nap.  I couldn't resist a quick picture.

This picture was taken in Maryland before we turned north to Pennsylvania.  It looks just like West Virginia...beautiful, curved roads winding through mountain ranges...and more rain.

We are spending the night in Somerset, Pennsylvania.  We ate an early supper at the Pine Restaurant.  It   was good.  Came back to the motel and are settled in for the evening.  According to the weatherman, it is supposed to be sunny tomorrow.  We will see!

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