Sunday, August 22, 2021

Turkey Run - August 13

 Woke up to a sunny day.  Packed up and headed west toward Decatur, Illinois. We arrived home around 11:00 a.m. CDT.  Carol was anxious to get unpacked so he could mow.  I did laundry and the boys enjoyed good internet service while waiting for their dad to pick them up.

It was a good week.  We had a good time despite the hot and humid temps.  More memories made.  I will wrap up with a couple of miscellaneous pictures.

Keegan had $10 to spend and he purchased this ranger hat.  He says he may want to be a park ranger when he grows up. I hope he does that.

I took this picture because it represents life in a motorhome with four people.....lots of shoes!
  At times, there were even more shoes on these rugs.  

The end of this trip represents the end of summer.  The boys return to school on Wednesday of the next week.  Five weeks from today, we plan to leave on our fall trip.  With the craziness of the last 17 months nothing is certain but we can hope and we do hope school will begin and we will travel.

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