Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Turkey Run - August 10

We were at the Turkey Run Visitor's Center by 9:00 a.m.  Most of the trails begin on the other side of Sugar Creek.  Sugar Creek is reached by taking a path down a hill to 70 steps which lead to a suspension bridge which crosses Sugar Creek.  The last time we camped here, we did not hike because Carol's knee would not cooperate; but, now he has an artificial knee and we have been walking two miles a day to prepare for our fall trip, so we decided to give it a try.  We made it... not only the 70 steps but 3.7 miles of trail.  Yes, it was hot and we got tired but we made it!

Sugar Creek

The walkway to Trail #10.

Three of the four hikers looking forward to the hike.

The humidity caused the canyons to be misty.  

The guys opted to hike to the Punch Bowl but I stayed on top.

The Punch Bowl

I was still able to see the Punch Bowl from the rim of the canyon.

An unusual stairway out of a canyon.

After the hike, we needed to refresh ourselves with a late lunch so we went to Crawfordsville for lunch.

The nightly game of chess (sometimes more).

This little guy was completely worn out after a morning of hiking.

It was a hot day but we managed to hike nearly four miles, have s'mores from a campfire, play our usual card games, eat popcorn, and have the nightly chess game.  Day was successful.


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