Friday, October 2, 2020

Old Town Kissimmee

When I took Sandy for her morning walk, the sky had toned down considerably but it was still a pretty sky.  The moon doesn't present itself going down like the sun does.

After Sandy and I took our walk, I came back outside to take the moon shot and when I turned around Sandy was looking so forlorn that I had to take her picture.  She sits in my seat in the motorhome and watches me or for me if I am gone.

Today we drove to Old Town Kissimmee.  It was a great day to visit because the crowds were very small.  In fact, it was so small that the carnival rides on each end of Old Town streets were not operating.  That greatly disappointed Aidan and Katie.  The weather was perfect.  I don't know if COVID is the reason for the small crowds but we had the streets almost to ourselves.

Grandpa with Aidan and Katie.
The whole family...John, Linda, Katie and Aidan.
Old Town Kissimmee is a large tourist area set up like the streets of a city.  The buildings were painted in beautiful colors and contained unique shops and restaurants.  One of the unusual businesses was a "fish spa experience."  This involved putting your bare feet into a container of small fish.  The fish would eat the dead skin off your toes and feet.  Linda and I passed up that opportunity.
We didn't have to worry about social distancing but were required to wear masks when we went inside a store.

We ate a late lunch at Flippers Pizza.  It was such a beautiful day that we ate outside.  The kids really wanted to ride the Ferris Wheel but none of the rides were operating today so we left.  We went back to the camper to check on Sandy and they were to their home.

We went to their house for a delicious supper and more family conversation.  This picture is of the newest member of the household.  Her name is Pixie and she is very sweet.  She is four years old and full of energy.  We returned to the camp around 7:30.  Sandy was waiting for me to fix her supper and take her for the evening walk.  Tomorrow we will be going to Legoland.  Legoland is set up for Halloween so I think it will be fun to share the experience with Aidan and Katie.

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