Sunday, October 11, 2020


Both of us were awake at 5 but didn't get up until closer to 6.  It was dark and drizzly but not raining hard.  Since quiet time didn't end until 7, we did what we could inside.  We managed to pull out of the campground at 7:45 just in time for the rain to begin again.

 It was just getting light when I took this picture.  This was a nice campground with sites under tall trees.

Another picture of the driving conditions as we left the campground.  

Thankfully, the rain turned to a light mist and then stopped completely.  As we drove, the trees were so beautiful.  It was still overcast so the colors were more muted but still very beautiful.  I love this time of the year when the leaves change colors.

We traveled in three states today.  When we crossed into Illinois we could see that Illinois had not gotten much rain while we were gone.  I wish we could have brought even a little of the rain we have been in

We stopped in Bethany for a short visit with Don and Peggy.  We pulled  into our drive way at 3:45.  We immediately began to unpack.  We met Kara, Jason and the boys at Monical's for supper.  Traditionally that is what we do on the evening we get back from a long trip.  It was a good trip despite the fact that it was only 2 weeks long and we had a lot of rain the last two days.  Sandy was able to be with us for one more trip.  Carol was able to drive the 400 mile days we had.  It is better to only drive 300 miles but with two weeks, that some days we had to drive a little longer.  We had good visits with our friends Jim and Karen Peyton and family John, Linda, Katie, and Aidan.  We saw some beautiful sights and learned more history.  Another trip is in the books.

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