Monday, October 5, 2020

Goodbye Florida, Hello South Carolina

Up at 6 to pack up.  We wanted to be on the road by 8:00 a.m.  We were greeted by a beautiful sunrise.  Packing had to wait until I snapped a picture or two.  We pulled out onto Route 27 North heading for I-4 through Orlando at 8 just like we planned.  The traffic was heavy but we just kept plugging along.

As we were driving through Orlando, a life jacket was blowing across the highway.  Carol couldn't avoid it so it was pulled under the motorhome and wrapped itself around the driveshaft.  We had to pull over on the shoulder so Carol could go under the motorhome and unwrap the jacket and free it.  Below is a picture of what was left of the jacket.

Although we did not visit Disney World this time, I was able to snap a picture of one of the electric poles that goes into the parks.  Everything is Mickey Mouse!

This is a water park.  I don't know the name of it but the tall mountainlike structure contained several levels of stairs going to the top.  I know I would not climb it just for a 30 water ride down.

This is how the traffic looked most of time.  Carol stays cool until pressure and just keeps driving.
This bridge crosses the St. James River near Jacksonville.  The St. James River begins in the Atlantic Ocean and is deep enough for huge cargo container ships to sail into ports in Jacksonville.

This ship was already loaded with containers.  I don't know if it was sailing from/to China or somewhere else.
Huge container yard.
These are the cranes which load/unload the container ships.
We stopped for gas in Georgia and to let Sandy stretch her legs.  She spent part of the day laying behind Carol's seat.  I don't think she looks very comfortable.

We are camped at Santee/Santee Lakes KOA, South Carolina.  It is a nice campground.  We are parked under tall pine trees.  Lake Marion is just a short walk from our site.  We took Sandy for a walk to the lake and was able to watch the sunset.  There were ducks swimming in the lake.

Goodnight from South Carolina.

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