Sunday, August 16, 2020

On the Road to Iowa

 What a year this has been!!  Normally, we take the boys on a camping trip during the summer vacation from school, but this year summer began in the middle of March and school won't start again until August 24  Along with a nearly 5 1/2 month summer vacation came the COVID-19 pandemic that wrecked havoc with any and all plans for trips and just life in general.  We finally decided to try to fit a short trip in so we headed to Waterloo, Iowa.  There is a great water park near the KOA and some interesting museums to see, as well.  

We cannot drive on I-80 west through Iowa without stopping at the world's largest truck stop.
  We cannot drive west on I-80 without stopping at the world's largest truck stop in Walcott, Iowa  Enjoyed a lunch at Wendy's and quick look at the displays.

A traditional picture before we leave.  This was taken at 7:45 a.m. and everyone has a smile on their faces.  Hope those smiles last until the end of the day.
Full view of motorhome with toad attached.

The weather was nice.  We drove all morning without the air conditioner on.  The traffic on I-80 was bumper to bumper.  We turned north on I-380 to Waterloo.  Traffic slackened off, finally.  We stopped at a Pilot at Cedar City for gas... love the price $1.99 a gallon.  It was a tight turn to get away from the pump but we made it.  That is one place we won't stop at again.

Sandy is with us and she has had a rough day.  She also jumped up onto my seat and then fell head over heals out of it.  That is three falls so far on this trip.  For the last two or three years, we have wondered how many more years she would be able to go with us.  Last year she fell out of the motorhome on her back.  She is a tough old girl because she still manages to keep going.

We are camped at the Waterloo Lost Island Water Park Resort.  We can see the water park from our site.  There is a beautiful blue little lake between the campground and water park.  The view from the front window is very nice.  We have had supper, the kids swam in the lake, Keegan and I played some cards and when I get this blog finished, we are going to the store for our traditional ice cream after supper.

It got up to 90 but it is supposed to be cooler tomorrow when we go to the water park.  It will be fun although I don't know how many of the 19 slides I will take!

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