Sunday, March 8, 2020


We had to turn our clocks forward before we went to bed last night.  We wanted to get on the road early and managed to get up at 6:30.  We ate breakfast at the motel and were able to get on the road by 7:15.  There was a beautiful sunrise over Alabama.
We were able to fill up at $1.98 a gallon.  It was the cheapest we had seen this trip.

This is the Birmingham skyline.

We passed this Air Force bus as we traveled north on I-65.

Nashville capitol building.  We were so glad that I-65 was open through Nashville.  We did see some of the tornado damaged homes as we traveled through.

Nashville skyline.

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We stopped for gas at Eddyville, Kentucky.  We ate lunch at Wendy's.

We arrived back in Decatur at 5:00 p.m.  During the six days we were gone, we had driven 2,500 miles.  We had never driven the Blazer out on the road but it made the trip without any problems.  It was a quick trip to Florida but it accomplished everything we had planned.  We delivered furniture and other things to John and Family, saw Hunter and his band march in the parade at Disney, enjoyed a day at the Magic Kingdom, and get in a quick visit with John and Family.  So glad we were able to do it all in six days.  Kara has to go to work tomorrow, Keegan returns to school, and Carol and I can sleep in and recover from the trip.

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