Monday, August 17, 2020

Clark Griswold (Mulvany/Ozee) Family Vacation

The day began very normally...just wished it had stayed way.  Up at 7, ate breakfast and relaxed before getting bathing suits on for the much anticipated water park.  I don't know why but I decided to check the park website one final time and when I did, I discovered that that park was closed this week because all the workers were back in school.  From now on the park is only open on weekends.  All previous times, the site had shown that this was the last week Monday-Friday that the park was open.  Evidently, that schedule changed.  I guess the schools decided to open in spite of COVID19 so a lot of the workers are high school and college students.  Needless to say, all of us (except maybe papaw) were very disappointed!!  We felt like the Clark Griswold Family when they traveled so far to go to Wally World and found it closed.  

On to Plan B...go to the spot where "the music stopped."  On February 3, 1959 Buddy Holly, the Big Bopper, Richie Valens, and a pilot crashed on a field just outside of Clearlake, Iowa, killing everyone.  The song American Pie says that on that day "music stopped."  Anyway, it was about a two-hour drive from camp through rural Iowa.  It was very relaxing driving through small towns and fields of corn.

Unfortunately, these pictures are like the day....mixed up.

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