Thursday, August 20, 2020

Homeward Bound

This trip was short but sweet.  We were only gone four days and we had some disappointments because of the impact of the corona virus but all in all we had a good time.  Until four days before the trip, we weren't even sure we would be able to take a summer trip with the boys.  2020 has been an unsettling year with lots of uncertainty.  We had planned a trip to Disney World in September with and Kara and her family and John would join us there.  We had to cancel that.  We needed some minor repairs on the motorhome and finding a shop to do repairs on an RV is difficult.  Finally, the first of August we found a place to get the repairs done and got the motorhome back home on Wednesday before we left on Sunday.  It was very last minute but was worth the short time we could get away.
The biggest disappointment of the trip was the fact the water park was closed during the week.   It would be open on weekends only to complete its season.  We could see the park from our campsite so we were constantly reminded of the disappointment.  After a few conversations with Kara and Jason we decided to drive back to Waterloo this Friday, go to the park on Saturday, and drive back on Decatur on Sunday  It will be a quick trip, but will sooth the disappointment and be a great way to end the summer. The boys begin on-line school the following Monday. 

I took these two pictures of the land a across from the waterpark where a theme park is being built.  Completion date is 2022.  Maybe we will come back up when it is completed.   The pictures show that the ground work is being done in preparation for the park.

About two weeks before our trip, a terrible wind storm hit Cedar Rapids.  On the Tuesday we were in 
Waterloo, President Trump visited the city to view the damage.  I tried to take pictures from the motorhome as we drover  by.  These pictures do not show the true wind damage that was done.

When we cross the Mississippi River, we know that our trip is nearly over.
We brought these cupcakes at the Scratch Cupcakery in Waterloo and decided to have hem today for Carol's birthday.  They were delicious.  Carol's was strawberry/rhubarb.  The rest of us got something with chocolate as the main ingredient.
We pulled into our driveway at 3:30.  Then the fun begins...unloading.  The boys were a great help with the carrying of stuff from the motorhome into the house.  We had some disappointments of things not being open because of the virus but overall, it was a fun trip.  Carol and I are going to visit John and Family for a week the end of September.  That will be the only fall trip we take this year.  It makes me very sad because we have so many places we want to visit and we aren't getting any younger.  Hopefully, this virus will subside before next year.

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