Friday, March 6, 2020

Six Trombones Led the Big Disney Parade

I am starting this blog with the way the day ended....with beautiful fireworks over Cinderella's Castle.

There is so much traffic and it seemed that all of it was headed to Disney.  We left around 9:00 and got to the park by 10:30.  I wanted to believe that it would not be crowded but I was wrong.  However, compared to Christmas time and Halloween, it wasn't crowded. Still the more popular rides had 60-70 minute waits!!  We met up with John and Family and headed out.  Keegan wanted to ride the People Movers.  The line to that moved along quickly.  Everyone except Carol and I rode Buzz Lightyear Space Rangers twice while we enjoyed sitting through Century of Progress.  Next was Monster Inc Laugh Floor.  It was a good show and again, we could sit.  After a quick lunch, Keegan and Kara stood in line to meet Winnie the Pooh and Tigger while the rest of us rode It's a Small, Small World. By that time it was 2:30 and parade time.  There was a large crowd to watch three bands precede the Disney parade.  The bands were from Texas, Pennsylvania and ours.  Of course, ours was the best!!

Keegan was excited to get to meet Winnie the Pooh and Tigger.
Here is the best trombonist with the Warrensburg-Latham High School Band...Hunter Anderson Ozee!
Here they come!!

After the fireworks were over, the thousands of people there all headed for the exits at the same time.  Disney knows how to handle crowds.  The crowds moved quickly through barriers that funneled us to the monorails and eventually parking lots.  We arrived back at the motel at 10:45.  That is the reason there was no posting Thursday evening...we were all dead tired.  My feet complained immensely, so as quickly as I could I took my shoes off and let them rest in be.  Tomorrow will be a quieter day

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