Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Another Long Day

This was the view we had all morning as we traveled south to Florida.  We woke up to rain and it followed us until we turned south on I-75 to Orlando.  We were up early to eat a hot breakfast at the motel and then on the road by 7:00a.m.

Dothan is the Peanut Capital of the World.  This is the entrance to the area where the festival is held in November of every year.

A better picture of the giant peanut at the entrance.

After a morning of driving in the rain, we were glad to see blue sky peaking through the heavy clouds.

As we were driving to Winter Haven, we were treated to this sunset.  The temperature is 82 and it is supposed to be nice the rest of the time we are here.  We got to John's around 7:00 .p.m.  We drove another 11 hour day and although I haven't checked the mileage, we probably drove another 600 miles.  We unpacked the U-Haul, had a quick supper and got to the motel at 9:00 p.m.  We will be here three nights.  This motel isn't as nice as the last one, but we won't be in the room that much so it will do.  Tomorrow we head to Disney and see the WLS band lead the big parade!

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