Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Three States in a Long Day

Up at 5:45 a.m. to get on the road by 7:00.  The forecast for today was 100% rain and when we got up, it hadn't started raining yet.   Took Sandy for her walk and as Carol was putting up water and sewer hoses, it began to rain.  It was a beautiful sunrise even through the raindrops.  We got on the road at 7:00 a.m. It was the earliest this trip but we had miles to go.
We drove 440 miles today and almost half of that was on two and four-laned roads like this one.  It really was very nice.  We could actually see that trees were changing.  We didn't drive in rain much but the wind was gusty and Carol had to be alert to keep the motor home from being blown off the road.
We got on an Interstate just inside Alabama and took it to Montgomery.  It was back to smaller roads then.

This part of the country has so many pine trees that drop needles.  Those needles are baled and sold as mulch and ground cover.  That is what is in this truck.

Don't tell Peta that this lady has a tiger in her trunk.

There are so many roads in the South,  I saw nine different highway signs at one intersection.  If you are a visitor to the area, you can be easily confused as to what route you want to take.  Take heavens for GPS.

Mississippi is the third state in which we drove today.  We drove 10 hours, 440 miles.  We stopped twice for gas and one time at a rest area to....rest.  Before we began this trip, I wondered if Carol's new knee would affect his driving.  Today proves that it hasn't.  Thankfully, it didn't rain all day but it was a pleasant temperature this morning and this evening it is COLD.  I don't think this is normal for this part of Mississippi.  Forecasters are saying that these cold temperatures will be here for a while.  We are going to enjoy these next two days despite the cold because it is our last chance to see things.  On Friday, we have to drive the two days it will take to get home.

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